Saturday, February 23, 2008

空虚 - Emptiness

How do you feel about this word ?
Do you always feel emptiness ?
What do you do to avoid it ?

Eventually, you will be giving yourself some pleasure, to release

This is not the solution. Or there might be something else......
At the end of the day, emptiness will come back to you and once again you're lonely. Just because you need someone to be there for you. You are seeking for it. You are good enough to find a partner. Maybe, there's something that hold you back. Apparently, seem like quite hard to find a '' perfect one " in this world. Yup, nobody is a perfectionist. I'm just clueless.....Well, i believe that not for now, but in future, i'm sure that someone will be there for you

* Dedicated to YOU *

Thats all ~~~

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My CNY holiday is going to be over. I think that this year CNY is quite moody. Anyway last few nights, we were having much fun.......
Thats all ~~~

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Well, just came back from school ( SHRI, Sinagpore Human Resourse Institute ). Taking up the Basic in HRM. I was like almost a decade that i never study. I had to remember those laws and rules, definition of this and that. It was interesting....!!

Thats all~~~